An Activity on Sustainability with SEO and the Story You Tell.
“The greats weren't greats because at birth they could paint, the greats are greats because they paint a lot”. This is a line from a Macklemore song and this is what I think of what people say that hard work is how you become talented at something.
When you write about something that you want to continue to revisit, then a good activity is to write down as many headlines for the topic as you can think of. Having all the headlines created can give you a since of where you can go with this story if you chose to revisit it. This will benefit those who create blogs, write news letters, and sell products.
Lets say I want to write a set of stories over “Shocking Your Body”, this is an idea I have been interested in for a while. I feel like when I expose my body to things that are new and in some cases tough, that my overall outlook on life increases. A set of stories that could come from this idea are as follows:
- “Runner’s high” or “I’m gonna die”, How I Feel During a Run
- The 7 Major Benefits of Sauna’s
- Why Even Runners can get Winded Walking Up Stairs
- Can Stretching in the Morning add Years to Your Life?
- Mind over Body, Can You Run a Marathon with Little Training
- It Only Takes 21 Days to Enjoy Working Out
- Intermediate Fasting: Changing When to Eat
- How I Felt After not Eating Meat for a Month
- What to Eat if you Want Shredded Six Pack Abs
- 5 Health Benefits that come with Reading Books
- Some Diets are Fads, Not all are Bad. Which Fad Diets Showed Great Results.
- How Waking Up Before The Sun Can Change Your Personality
- 15 Tips for Your First Trip to the Gym
- WOW THAT’S COLD! The Benefits of Icebaths.
- I Was Addicted to Mountain Biking After My First Ride
- Can You Run a Mile Without Stopping? Have You Tried?
- The 70 Year Old Woman in My Yoga Class
- 6 Compound Workouts That Will Shock Your Body
- The Reasons Why a Strict Diet Will Make You Have More Energy
- My First Cheat Day in Month, The Ultimate Celebration
- The Story of My First Blueberry
- 8 Reasons why I am No Longer Afraid of Speaking to a Crowd
- Lose Your Anxiety by Doing Something Hard
- How Millennials are Bigger Risk Takers than Past Generations
- How I felt About Giving Up Technology for the Week
- Sober October, the Time I didn't drink for a Month.
- How Swimming is Unlike Any Other Type of Exercise
- The Discipline it Takes to Read a Book in One Day
- Sauna’s Skin Benefits, Secrets to Healthy Skin
- Why do People do the Polar Plunge?
- 10 Quotes from Super Athletes
- Running, Tennis, and Soccer Work Your Legs Differently Than Leg Day at the Gym
- 6 Diets that are Tailored to Your Lifestyle
- Why Do People Feel Awkward at the Gym
- 10 Ways to Whip Your Life Into Shape