A theory on writing to influence.
When trying to spread awareness and interest of a product or service a writer must know how to structure a message with the needs of the reader in mind. The diffusion and adoption theory is an easy checklist to follow when creating content for what you wish to sell. Professor Everett Rogers of Stanford University lists five factors of the adoption process that people go through. The first is its relative advantage, this is what makes this idea better than the one it replaces. The second is compatibility, does this meet my existing needs and values? The third step deals with the complexity of an idea, is it easy to understand and use. Fourth, what is the Trial-ability of this innovation. Finally people want to observe their results, are the benefits visible to others.
Fiber-optic computer networks are an easy way to look at this theory in action. Standard copper wiring is the norm in the wiring world of computer networking. When trying to sell someone on the idea of fiber-optic networks you need to make sure you explain the adoption method simply. The relative advantage of fiber-optics is that it moves bulk information faster and and further than tradition copper wire. The compatibility is there because as technology continues to evolve people and companies especially will need the best innovations of technology to keep a competitive edge, it is also the future of wiring so it will not go out of date at any point in the near future. Explaining fiber-optics is simple, normal copper wire sends electronic information through twisted copper cords to get information from one spot to the next, fiber-optic wire uses glass tubes to send beams of light through a singular straight pattern tube to get information from one spot to the next. Since light travels faster than electricity it would make since that fiber wire is faster. To try fiber-optic networks you just need to find a computer that is connected to fiber wire and see the speed for yourself, a good way to test this would be download speed for a large downloadable file. Once seeing this the results should speak for themselves.